Who is the user?

Who is the user? This is the biggest and probably the first question that needs to be answered when you are designing a UI or developing a UX. A lot of scenarios that I deal with are typically a flurry of features and functionality that can potentially drown to user to a point that users simply refuse to interact with the tool, software or application. Sometimes the client is to blame or some developer’s ego seems to be dominating the conversation in a project that the whole point of the design or development becomes nothing more than blur for all parties involved.

Being able to identify the target user or audience can establish a baseline for a designer that will tell the designer when something is “too little” or “too much”.  This factor helps determine how other factors will play into the equation which is key in delivering an effective UI or UX design.

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Star Fighter Shape PSD File

psd-ui-design-star-fighterI have decided to post the layered PSD of the Star Fighter design that you see as the background of my blog. I know everybody loves freebies (is that what they still call it these days?) . However, this is not the full PSD but it contains the individual shape elements that I used as a foundation for my design.  I’m sure you guys will get creative with it and feel free to send links or images of what you’ve created out of original shape design.


Souping up my theme v.2

I posted updates to theme to give the blog a more edgy look. Everything seems to be fine on a desktop machine and I’ve done some testing on the iPad and my mobile phone and the results are OK. I am putting 90% focus first on the desktop and deal on the mobile as I go since the core UI and UX elements are not 100% updated to the desired look and feel. It will be a work in progress but I can official say good bye to the New Basic theme colors.

Below is the a screenshot of the original theme versus the updated theme. The theme is about 20% done. After spending more than 5 hours in Adobe Photoshop to work on the design, I decided to post the updates as is to get the full feel of the layout.


Step Zero – Logo

One step that I’ve made into a habit when it comes to web design and development is making, designing or setting up the logo. I use the logo a starting point or a seed to where the entire site would branch of to. So without breaking the habit I’ve played with a basic logo design concept that should turn out nicely for this site. Photoshop should provide me the tool to come up with something nice from this basic concept.

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Souping up my theme!

I love this New Basic theme (link below) because it provides a very basic design that is ripe for enhancing or modifying. I’ve decided to start the process by simply firing up Photoshop and using the current theme as a sort of wireframe, I will then construct a possible UI design and then translate it to the theme.

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And so it begins!

Hello! My name is Ryan Lacdao and I am UI/UX developer.  After being almost inactive in the world of design, I have decided it is now time to get back into the action. I’ve decided to setup this blog as a way to provide information about the amazing and ever changing world of User Interface(UI) and User Experience Design (UX).  I am hoping that the information that I will provide will help those who want to further expand their knowledge about UI/UX development.